Offer a complete AML product, with less work
Add real-time screening for 100s of lists spanning sanctions, watchlists, PEP, adverse media, UBOs, MRBs, 314As, and more, without the hassle of building it yourself.
Who we partner with
If you’re building AML solutions, we can help.
- Own the experience
White-label Sandbar’s screening and transaction monitoring dashboard and UI to keep your look and feel.
- Get to market faster
Extend your capabilities quickly, without spending months building from scratch.
- Grow your value
Acquire and retain more customers by offering a more complete and holistic AML product.
All the building blocks you need to continuously monitor activity and more.
Screen payers and payees against correct lists and filter out noise to save your team time without jeopardizing coverage. Choose it for onboarding or ongoing screening.
Get one score across all risk types for every customer with event-driven activity monitoring. Choose from 120+ off-the-shelf rules or customize them for different users.
Increasing operational efficiency is key to scaling an AML program. To achieve this, Sandbar treats risk in an intuitive and holistic way so their partners can grow efficiently while using a safe and compliant system.”